Biology: The Dynamics of Life, North Carolina Edition

Section 2: Development Before Birth

Development Before Birth

Which of these vitamins has been found to reduce the incidence of neural tube defects in human babies?
A)vitamin K
B)vitamin C
C)pantothenic acid
D)folic acid
Which of these is the name for human embryonic development?
A)a navel
B)a placenta
C)a contraction
D)a blastocyst
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This chart shows the growth rate of a fetus. During which period is the fetus' growth the greatest?
A)from 3 weeks to 6 weeks
B)from 7 months to 9 months
C)from 4 months to 6 months
D)from 8 weeks to 3 months
__________ keeps the embryo attached to the wall of the uterus.
A)The blastula
B)The fallopian tube
C)The umbilical cord
D)The vagina
At what point in development does an embryo become a fetus?
A)by the nineteenth week
B)by the eighth week
C)by the thirty-ninth week
D)by the twenty-eighth week
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