Biology: The Dynamics of Life, North Carolina Edition

Chapter 37: Respiration, Circulation, and Excretion

Web Links

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p. 970
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Virtual Body
Visit this site to take a virtual tour of the human heart. Click on Human Heart and then on Narrated Tour to begin. What does is the function of the tricuspid valve? Your Respiratory System
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Your Respiratory System
This Discovery Online site describes the structure and function of the respiratory system. Scroll down to the bottom of this page to read some factoids about the respiratory system.
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The Human Respiratory System
The American Lung Association sponsors this site about the human respiratory system. Study the diagram. What structure separates the lungs from the chest cavity?
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Your Urinary System and How it Works
The urinary system consists of kidneys, ureters, the bladder, the urethra, and specialized muscles. Use the information on this page to write an outline of how urea passes through the urinary system.
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Nursing Facts
This page is maintained by the American Nurses Association. Read through the summary to learn about the responsibilities of a nurse. Use the information from this site to prepare a brochure to attract people into the nursing career field.
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American Association for the History of Nursing
The nursing profession has been around for a long time. Choose a month from the list to review nursing milestones throughout history. Use the information to create a timeline of nursing.
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The Respiratory System
This article discusses the respiratory system and how it works. Scroll down to mechanism of breathing. What is the difference between quiet respiration and deeper respiration?
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Organ Donation
The U.S. government has set up this site as a network for people awaiting organ donations. Read the latest story in the "Lives Lost, Lives Saved" section of this site and summarize the information in your science journal.
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American Heart Association
The American Heart Association sponsors this site about high blood pressure. Click on Why Should I Care from the menu on the left side of the page. What affects can untreated high blood pressure have on your body?
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High Blood Pressure and Kidney Disease
How does high blood pressure affect your kidneys? Read the information on this site to learn how high blood pressure and your kidneys are related. What is the treatment for end-stage renal disease (ESRD)?
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The New York Online Access to Health web site offers a list of links on hypertension. Explore the sites listed to learn more about hypertension, its possible causes, and treatment.
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