Creative Living Skills © 2006Teaching Materials and SamplesA variety of resources are available to enhance your use of Creative Living Skills. TEACHING AND LEARNING RESOURCES
The following booklets are included in the Teaching and Learning Resources box. They are also available individually. Samples are provided here for each of the booklets. To order the Teaching and Learning Resources box or any of these booklets individually, go to Creative Living Skills at Glencoe's eCatalog or contact Customer Service at 1-800-334-7344.  (42.0K) | Management Skills (0-07-861587-9) | Management Skills teaches students effective management techniques that can enhance success in all aspects of life, from balancing work and family to budgeting. Click on the link to download an activity that focuses on one aspect of problem solving.
Management Skills
 (42.0K) | Interpersonal Skills (0-07-861588-7) | This booklet provides real-life activities that help students develop their skills in communication, leadership, conflict resolution, teamwork, refusal skills, and building positive relationships. These skills are basic to happiness and success. Click on the link to try out two activities.
Interpersonal Skills
 (42.0K) | Workplace Skills (0-07-861589-5) | This booklet focuses on career planning, employability skills, and balancing work and family. Click on the icon for two activities you can download and use.
Workplace Skills
 (36.0K) | Foods Labs & Recipes (0-07-861590-9) | This booklet provides many options for developing food preparation and meal management skills. It includes individual skills sheets, meal management projects, and a variety of related recipes with nutrition analyzes. Click on the link to download examples and see how they can be used in your classroom.
FoodLabs and Recipes
 (42.0K) | Sewing Labs (0-07-861591-7) | The Sewing Labs booklet provides the materials you need to teach sewing, in a reproducible format. Contents range from sewing basics to illustrated, step-by-step skills sheets and 21 projects. Download samples of each by clicking on the icon.
Sewing Labs
 (34.0K) | Inclusion in the FACS Classroom (0-07-861690-5) | Today’s classrooms include students with a wide variety of special needs. This booklet provides you with specific information about common special needs, including invisible disabilities such as ADD and severe emotional disturbance, health impairments such as hearing or mobility problems, cognitive impairments, autism, and gifted learners. Learn how to make specific accommodations in the FACS classroom while meeting the needs of all learners. The downloadable file gives information on invisible disabilities.
Inclusion In FACS Class
In addition to the materials in the Teaching and Learning Resources box, several additional components are available to support the Creative Living Skills program. To order any of these booklets, go to Creative Living Skills at Glencoe's eCatalog or contact Customer Service at 1-800-334-7344. Teacher Wraparound Edition (0-07-861582-8)
Simplify your teaching. The TWE provides lesson plans, discussion topics, projects, activities, supplemental information, answers, and more conveniently “wrapped around” copies of student edition pages. Teacher Resource Guide (0-07-861583-6)
This booklet correlates Creative Living Skills to National Standards and includes reproducible lesson plans, chapter tests, and answers. TeacherWorksTM CD-ROM (0-07-861593-3) TeacherWorksTM CD-ROM is a powerful teacher resource making lesson planning easy in an electronic calendar format. Customizing lessons is simple with electronic files of the Teacher Wraparound Edition and resource booklets from the Teaching and Learning Resources. Vocabulary Puzzlemaker and ExamView® Pro CD-ROMs and the Internet may be linked to through TeacherWorks.
ExamView® Pro Test Generator CD-ROM (0-07-861592-5)
Using this extensive test bank, you have the flexibility to quickly customize tests by adding, deleting, or editing questions. Includes answer files. Vocabulary PuzzleMaker CD-ROM (0-07-861594-1)
Provides crossword puzzles, word search puzzles, and jumble puzzles in a printable form or for use on the computer. Reinforces important terms and concepts. Answer files are included.  |