Glencoe World Geography

Chapter 22: Africa South of the Sahara Today

Student Web Activities

The vast region of Africa south of the Sahara supports many varied cultures and lifestyles. Often people in one country of the region know little about life in other countries in the region. People on other continents frequently have misperceptions about life in Africa south of the Sahara. In this lesson you will learn about a project that uses the Internet to connect students in countries all over the world. You will study the results of an interaction between students in South Africa and students in Uganda. You will also read about how students in Chicago and Ghana shared their perceptions of life in each others' countries.

Destination Title: World Links for Development

Start at the World Links for Development Web site.

  • Click on About Us . Read and take notes about the information on these pages.
  • Return to the home page and click on Countries to view a list of countries involved in World Links. Click on Uganda.
  • Click on SchoolNet Uganda Website on the top of the page.
  • Click on About us and VSAT Projects on the SchoolNet Website, and read the information on each page.

Using the information you gathered reading the above sites, answer the following questions.

What is the World Links program? What are the program's goals?
What countries in Africa south of the Sahara have participated in World Links projects?
What is the VSAT Pilot Project? How were schools selected for involvement?
How were some of the problems addressed? What problems did schools encounter after they were connected to the internet?
Imagine you are a student at one of the schools in Uganda that has recently been connected to the Internet. Describe how your education has changed due to access to the Internet.
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