Glencoe World Geography

Chapter 31: Southeast Asia Today


In December of 2004, an earthquake-triggered tsunami struck the shores of Southeast Asia, leaving behind a wake of destruction. In this activity you will learn about some of the efforts to rebuild the area through a photographic essay.

Destination Title: Observing Post-Tsunami A Photo Essay

Start at the Observing Post-Tsunami photo essay Web page.
  • Read the information presented and look at the photos.

Using the information you gathered from this site, answer the following questions.

What aspects of everyday life were affected by the tsunami?
Choose three or four photos from the essay and give them brief captions. Do your captions describe an emotional, a physical, or an environmental result of the tsunami?
What indications are there in the essay of the resiliency and durability of the people in Southeast Asia?
What is “aid fatigue” and how is it affecting the clean-up effort?
Research one of the organizations, such as Hands on Thailand or Terre des Hommes, that has assisted in clean-up and redevelopment efforts. Describe the contributions the organization has made to the area, and suggest ways the organization can continue to improve the region.
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