Glencoe World Geography

Chapter 31: Southeast Asia Today

Web Activity Lesson Plans


In this chapter students learned about life in Southeast Asia today. In this activity students will learn about the Tsunami that ravaged parts of Southeast Asia, and the struggles of the region to overcome the destruction.

Lesson Description
Students will access information from the UN Web site to learn more about the efforts to rebuild Tsunami-affected regions. Students will answer four questions and then apply what they have learned to write a research essay about an organization mentioned in the article.

Instructional Objectives

  1. Students will be able to describe aid efforts after the Tsunami in Southeast Asia by exploring a photographic essay.
  2. Students will be able to apply what they have learned to write a research essay about an organization that has assisted the region.

Student Web Activity Answers
  1. People’s homes and ways of making a living were destroyed. Many were left without food or shelter. Others were separated from loved ones or their families were killed by the tsunami.
  2. Students’ choices will vary, but captions should accurately reflect the content of the photograph.
  3. Many people are attempting to return to life as normal. The essay describes people fishing, praying, and relaxing. The essay also describes the flurry of activity among the inhabitants of the region to rebuild destroyed areas.
  4. “Aid fatigue” can occur a few months after a disaster strikes. Initially, a large amount of aid will flow into an affected area, but as time elapses, less people may see the need for continued contributions. Aid fatigue can slow the clean-up process because, although many months may have passed since the disaster a large amount of aid is still needed to continue the rebuilding effort.
  5. Students’ essays should detail the efforts of a particular organization and present ideas for continued assistance.
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