Physical Science

BrainPop Movies

Measuring Matter
Visit the science lab with Tim and Moby to measure an object's length, volume, area, weight, and density in this BrainPOP movie.

Current Electricity
Follow Tim and Moby as they trace electricity's path from the power plant to your home in this BrainPOP movie.

Forms of Energy
Where does energy come from? Tim and Moby explain in this animated BrainPOP movie.

Matter Changing State
How are gases, liquids, and solids different? Find out in this BrainPOP movie.

Acids and Bases
Discover how acids and bases differ and where they fall on the pH sclae in this BrainPOP movie.

Static Electricity
What causes static electricity? Find out as Tim and Moby explore electric charges in this animated BrainPOP movie.

Tim and Moby explain why grass is green and how color works in this BrainPOP movie.

How do your eyes see and why do some people need glasses? Find out when Tim and Moby talk vision in this animated BrainPOP.

Waves are all around us! Discover what they are and how they behave in this BrainPOP movie.

Opposites attract. Learn about North poles, South poles, and the force of magnetism in this animated BrainPOP movie.

Property Changes
Do you know the difference between a chemical change and a physical one? Find out in this animated BrainPOP movie.

States of Matter
Matter can be solid, liquid, gas, or plasma. Find out about each state of matter in this animated BrainPOP movie.

Atomic Model
See how the atomic model has developed over time in this BrainPOP animated movie.

Tim and Moby explain how two atoms of the same element can have different numbers of neutrons in this animated BrainPOP movie about isotopes.

Kinetic Energy
Watch this BrainPOP animated movie explain how the energy of motion changes depending upon an object's speed and mass.

Potential Energy
In this BrainPOP movie, Tim and Moby show how potential energy changes depending upon an object's position and condition.

This animated movie from BrainPOP defines acceleration and how it relates to speed and motion.

This BrainPOP movie explains how pulleys change the direction of force and make it easier to lift a load.

Newton's Laws of Motion
Newton's three laws of motion are demonstrated in this animated movie from BrainPOP.


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