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Web Quest


What makes you decide to be someone’s friend? Is it because the person makes you laugh? Do you two have a lot in common? Do they cheer you up when you feel sad? Friends make us feel better when we are scared. Friends don’t mind hanging out with us, even if there is nothing to do. Friends tell us when we are being dumb! Without friends, life would be pretty dull.

Destination Title

Kids on the Net: Friends Special (

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Click on the link above. Place your cursor on the “Creative Writing” bubble and click on the “Friends” link. Read the responses that students from around the world posted about friendship. Read these responses and explore the rest of the Web site.

Once you have read the responses about friendship, write one of your own. Imagine that a student from another country asked you about friendship in the United States. What would you say? Do you think friendship is different in other countries? Respond to the question in a letter, short paragraph, or poem.

1.Write your response here:

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