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Selection Quick Checks (English)

1.At the beginning of the fire of Sunday night, why was Mathias Schaffer fooled about the new fire that had started?
A.There were many lights in the city, especially in that area, making it difficult to see the flames.
B.There had been a fire right in front of the new fire the night before.
C.One of the visitors told him the wrong location and he took his word for it.
D.The color of the smoke did not lead him to believe that it was a new fire.

2.What was a second mistake that was made after Schaffer realized there was a real fire?
A.The alarm from Box 342 was broken.
B.Schaffer's assistant did not get the message to strike Box 319.
C.The men at the fire station of Box 319 were already out, putting out a different fire.
D.Schaffer's assistant refused to strike Box 319.

3.How did people in the city react as the fire was burning on Sunday and the following day?
A.Most people did not become too worried.
B.Very few could see the glow in the sky, so people were not concerned.
C.No one had heard alarms going, so they were not aware of the fire.
D.Most went to church on Monday to pray that the fire would end.

4.Why didn't Schaffer and Brown respond to Dorsey's alarm calling for more help?
A.They didn't think it would be worthwhile since the fire was so out of control.
B.They had already sent out all their firefighters.
C.They were out of the courthouse when the call for help came in.
D.Dorsey failed to use the correct signal to make it a second alarm.

5.What happened when Anderson got ready to wet the other side of the street so that the homes wouldn't burn?
A.Anderson himself had caught fire and couldn't hold the hose anymore.
B.A steam engine replaced Anderson's water source so no more water came out.
C.Anderson took too much time trying to reposition his hose.
D.His hose burst open and the flow of water stopped.

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