Writer's Choice Grade 6

Unit 24: Taking Tests


Most people feel at least a little anxious when they take a test. Generally, the better prepared you are, the lower your level of anxiety. Aside from reviewing your notes, you might try the following strategies for test preparation: allow plenty of time to study; gather as much information as possible about the test you will take; review material from your notes, textbook, homework, and quizzes; create and answer some sample test questions; and finally, study with a partner or small group.

Understanding how to take tests also reduces anxiety. Becoming familiar with different types of questions will improve your confidence. True-False questions give you a big hint in their name—they ask you whether a statement is true or false. Multiple-choice questions ask you to pick the correct answer from several possibilities. Matching test questions show you related items in a scrambled order and ask you to pick which ones go together. For example, you might match a word with its definition.

Some tests might also have questions about analogies or grammar. Taking practice tests will help you become familiar with various types of questions. You can also become comfortable with budgeting your time as you take a test.

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