Writer's Choice Grade 6

Unit 2: The Writing Process

Fill in the Blank

Directions: Fill in the blanks of the sentences below with vivid and precise words. If you wish, use a thesaurus to help you find more suitable words than the general ones provided in parentheses.

Sample The wheels of the wagon made an annoying __________as I rounded the corner. (noise)

Answer The wheels of the wagon made an annoying squeal as I rounded the corner. (noise)

The flowers near the lake _________ in the breeze. (moved)
The wind made a loud, terrifying moan as it blew through the _________ house. (old)
Because of the _____________ weather, we had to spend our entire beach vacation indoors. (bad)
The businessman was walking home with his groceries when the bag broke and _____________ spilled out onto the sidewalk. (food)
My brother and I worked all day, and when our parents came home, the entire house was _____________ . (clean)
Jason was appreciating the quiet drive home when all of a sudden, a truck stopped beside him __________ music. (playing)
The train _________ along the tracks, carrying an important shipment of construction equipment. (moved quickly)
I knew Jamie wanted to talk about something important when she walked into the living room solemnly and sat down on the _____________ across from me. (furniture)
The pedestrian's ______________ made it extremely difficult for her to be seen in the darkness. (clothing)
My mother is writing a _____________ about an American woman who went to France to help repair flood damage in Paris. (book)
The play was ____________, but I couldn't stay for the whole performance. (great)
The __________ of the stream as it flows over the rocks is extremely relaxing. (sound)
You look ____________ in your new glasses! (nice)
I felt _____________ after I splashed some cool water on my face. (good)
The girl's _______________ expression made me feel comfortable and welcome. (pleasant)
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