Writer's Choice Grade 6

Unit 27: Electronic Resources

Unit Activity Lesson Plan

Students have read about evaluating Internet resources. In this lesson, they will evaluate a library Web site that highlights the original manuscript of Ellen Raskin's The Westing Game.

Lesson Description
Students will evaluate the credibility of a Web site from the Cooperative Children's Book Center at the University of Wisconsin-Madison.

Instructional Objectives
  1. Students will be able to identify the institution sponsoring a Web site.
  2. Students will evaluate the reliability of a Web site.
  3. Students will use a search engine.

Student Web Activity Answers
  1. What person, organization, or company created this Web site?
    Possible answer: This Web site is sponsored by the Cooperative Children's Book Center, School of Education Library at the University of Wisconsin-Madison.
  2. Does the site provide facts on where the information was gathered or for what purpose?
    Possible answer: The introduction explains why Raskin decided to donate the The Westing Game manuscript to the library. An audiotape of the speech Raskin made at the presentation is available.
  3. Is there a way to check the information by contacting the person or organization that created the site?
    Possible answer: Contact information is provided on the CCBC home page.
  4. Is this site reliable? How can you tell?
    Possible answer: Generally, Web sites that belong to schools are reliable. According to Google, 121 sites link to the CCBC home page; many of these sites end in .edu and are therefore educational as well.


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