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Multiple Choice Quiz
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President Gerald Ford's popularity with the American public fell dramatically as a result of his
A)pardon of Richard Nixon.
B)handling of the "Mayaguez" incident.
C)vetoes of large numbers of congressional enactments.
D)appointment of Nelson Rockefeller as vice president.
E)policies on the economic problems.
Ford's foreign policy included support for four of the following. Which is the exception?
A)the SALT II agreement
B)the Helsinki agreement on European boundaries
C)the continued rapprochement with China after the death of Mao Zedong
D)the abandonment of U.S. mediation efforts in the Middle East
E)a new accord between Israel and Egypt
Jimmy Carter's success in the election of 1976 resulted in large part because
A)Ford refused to choose a running mate who appealed to the Republican Right.
B)Carter's considerable service in Washington assured voters of an experienced administrator.
C)Ford's acerbic personality had generated an atmosphere of bitterness and acrimony in Washington.
D)the country was still angry over Ford's pardon of Nixon.
E)Carter seemed to possess honesty, piety, and an outsider's skepticism of the federal government.
Which of the following best describes the nation's economy during Carter's final two years in office?
A)modest inflation and stable interest rates
B)modest inflation and declining interest rates
C)rapid inflation and record high interest rates
D)rapid inflation and stable interest rates
E)rapid inflation and declining interest rates
Carter had hoped to base American foreign policy on increased attention to
A)flexible military response whenever democratic governments were challenged.
B)expansion of American economic interests overseas.
C)reduction of American responsibility for involvement in world conflicts.
D)the issue of how nations respect human rights.
E)reduction of American military presence around the world.
The Camp David summit, hosted by President Carter, was a meeting between the leaders of Israel and
D)the Palestine Liberation Organization.
All but one of the following were significant features of Carter's foreign policy in the early years of his administration. Which is the exception?
A)abandoning SALT II as futile
B)completing negotiations to transfer the canal zone to Panama
C)using diplomatic pressure to promote human rights in other countries
D)continuing progress toward improving relations with China
E)negotiating a peace treaty between Israel and Egypt
In November 1979, Iranian militants took over the U.S. embassy in Teheran and held fifty-three embassy personnel hostage for more than a year. The immediate provocation for their act was the fact that the Carter administration
A)began to support Iraq in its war with Iran.
B)refused to recognize Iran's new regime.
C)attempted to restore the pro-American Shah to power in Iran.
D)allowed the exiled former Shah of Iran to enter the United States.
E)halted any peace negotiations with Arab nations.
The rapid population growth in the "Sunbelt" shifted political power to the region and tended to strengthen which political viewpoint?
A)conservative, antigovernment
B)liberal, government activist
C)moderate, middle-of-the-road
D)basically neutral
E)liberal, antigovernment
Which of the following is a common thread of evangelical Christianity?
A)belief in the joining of church and state
B)conservative, right-wing politics, especially on social welfare issues
C)belief in the literal, inerrant interpretation of the Bible, especially on evolution
D)belief in a liberal, loose interpretation of the Bible, especially on abortion
E)belief in personal conversion through direct communication with God
The tax revolt
A)was used by conservatives as a means of reversing the growth of the federal government.
B)was a less effective strategy than attacking government programs directly.
C)had its public beginnings in the Sunbelt.
D)began after Reagan took office.
E)was led by Pat Robertson.
Ronald Reagan and his administration received strong support from four of the following groups. Which is the exception?
B)New Right
C)feminists and civil-rights activists
D)conservative business leaders
E)evangelical Christians
President Reagan
A)retained little control of most of the day-to-day operations of the federal government.
B)struggled to convey his message to the American people.
C)used a highly nationalist rhetoric to gain support for his proposals.
D)was one of the youngest men ever to serve as president.
E)struggled to free the hostages in Iran.
The "supply-side" economic theory that President Reagan sought to implement early in his administration called for
A)increasing government spending to stimulate consumption.
B)maintaining high interest rates to control inflation.
C)cutting taxes to encourage new investment.
D)raising taxes to stimulate the economy.
E)lowering interest rates to encourage spending.
During the Reagan administration, the federal budget
A)experienced severe deficits.
B)noticeably declined.
C)shifted from reliance on the income tax to a national sales tax.
D)rose markedly in domestic spending but remained flat on defense.
E)experienced a brief deficit.
In response to concerns about the federal budget, the Reagan administration
A)raised income taxes.
B)cut defense spending.
C)cut the budgets for "discretionary" domestic programs.
D)raised interest rates.
E)raised income taxes and interest rates.
With respect to the civil war in El Salvador, the Reagan administration
A)maintained a strictly neutral position.
B)sent in a peacekeeping force of American combat troops.
C)supported the existing military regime with money and material.
D)supported the revolutionaries, who were seeking to overthrow the military regime.
E)encouraged the United Nations to take a more active role in safeguarding civilians.
In Nicaragua, the Sandinistas were
A)pro-American forces.
B)anti-American forces.
C)essentially the same as the Contras in Honduras.
D)supporters of the former Somoza regime.
E)anti-communist forces.
Reagan's policy toward Lebanon involved
A)supporting Lebanon with military aid for its border conflict with Saudi Arabia.
B)supporting Lebanon to gain back territories lost to Israel.
C)backing Israel in the United Nations in its effort to make Lebanon part of the Left Bank area controlled by Israel.
D)backing Israel financially so the country could arm itself.
E)sending in American marines as a peacekeeping force following Israeli-PLO clashes but removing them after over 200 were killed in a terrorist attack.
In the national elections of 1984, the Democrats made electoral history by, for the first time, nominating a vice presidential candidate who was
C)African American.
In the election of 1984,
A)President Reagan won re-election in a close contest with Walter Mondale.
B)President Reagan won 49 out of 50 states.
C)President Reagan led the Republican Party in a successful effort to regain control of both houses of Congress.
D)President Reagan won the first presidential election of the post-Cold War era.
E)President Reagan did not win the popular vote.
Which of the following did NOT occur during the presidency of George H. W. Bush?
A)the Gulf War
B)the 1990 recession
C)the Beirut bombings
D)Tiananmen Square
E)the fall of the Berlin wall

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