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Multiple Choice Quiz
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Students for a Democratic Society (SDS)
A)was a violent protest group led by the Weathermen.
B)was founded by Mario Savio.
C)was determined to build a new politics to counteract the complacency of American society.
D)successfully mobilized the poor working-class people in inner-city neighborhoods.
E)formed as a nonviolent organization but soon escalated into violent tactics.
The "free speech movement" and the "people's park" issue of the so-called New Left were centered in
A)New York City around Greenwich Village.
B)Chicago under the "loop."
C)Boston near Harvard and MIT.
D)Berkeley around the University of California.
E)Washington, D.C., near the National Mall.
In 1967-1968, the issue that most unified the various people loosely known as the New Left was
A)support for environmental legislation.
B)support of full racial integration.
C)concern about nuclear power.
D)rejection of capitalism.
E)opposition to the war in Vietnam.
Which of the following was NOT generally associated with the so-called counterculture?
A)marijuana smoking
B)long hair and nontraditional clothing
C)rejection of the existence of a supreme being
D)relaxed and open attitude about sexuality
E)obscene language
Although the philosophy of the counterculture seemed to favor all of the following, the characteristic that most defined the movement was
A)rejecting the inhibitions and conventions of middle-class culture and concentrating on pleasure and fulfillment.
B)striving for racial and social justice for all peoples.
C)breaking the power of corrupt elites who controlled American corporations and governments.
D)demanding an end to international wars and conflicts and substituting peaceful resolution.
E)embracing new rock 'n' roll music.
Rock 'n' roll's twin elements of hope and danger were symbolized by two concerts that occurred only four months apart. They were
A)Woodstock and Altamont.
B)Woodstock and the San Francisco "be-in."
C)the "People's Park" and Altamont.
D)Woodstock and Live Aid.
E)Altamont and Live Aid.
The "termination" approach to federal Indian policy called for the end of
A)all economic aid to individual Indians.
B)official recognition of tribes as legal entities.
C)efforts to assimilate Indians into urban society.
D)the movement to organize all tribes into a national Indian organization.
E)the movement to force Native Americans to lose their cultural distinctiveness.
Marielitos refers to
A)the wave of Cuban immigrants, usually poor, who came to the United States in 1980.
B)Puerto Rican youth who organized gangs in New York City.
C)any Hispanic immigrant who tries to assimilate into middle-class Anglo culture.
D)illegal Mexican immigrants who worked in the United States for a short while and sent money back to their families.
E)illegal Cuban immigrants who arrived in Florida.
César Chavez is significant to American labor history as an organizer of what group of predominately Hispanic workers?
B)cigar makers
E)agricultural laborers
By the 1980s, Hispanic Americans had
A)become the fastest-growing large minority group in the nation.
B)yet to make any efforts to organize themselves politically.
C)consistently opposed the concept of bilingualism in education.
D)uniformly championed the ideal of the "melting pot."
E)fallen short of winning full equality.
The newly assertive ethnic groups of the 1960s directly challenged which of the following American ideals?
B)the melting pot
C)American exceptionalism
D)affirmative action
E)cultural distinction
The "Stonewall Riot" is associated with
A)Puerto Rican anger at poor services in their neighborhoods.
B)homosexual outrage at harassment by police and others.
C)college students demanding legalization of drug use.
D)African-American clashes with new immigrants from Southeast Asia.
E)Latino opposition to immigration laws.
In The Feminine Mystique (1963), Betty Friedan
A)praised the ideal of women living happy, fulfilled lives in purely domestic roles.
B)failed to identify the problem most suburban housewives were experiencing.
C)called for women to band together to assault the male power structure.
D)rejected the whole notion of marriage, family, and even heterosexual intercourse.
E)urged women to search for greater personal fulfillment.
The leading reason that the Equal Rights Amendment (ERA) failed to gain ratification was because of
A)public apathy and indifference.
B)lack of time for proper organization of support groups.
C)fears that it would create a major disruption of traditional social patterns.
D)inadequate evidence of sexual discrimination.
E)feminists' lack of initiative to push through the amendment.
The largest and most influential feminist organization from the 1960s through the 1980s was the
A)Female Liberation League.
B)American Women's Caucus.
C)ERA's supporters.
D)Gender Equity Society.
E)National Organization for Women.
The first woman on the national ticket of one of the two major political parties was the 1984 Democratic vice presidential nominee
A)Sandra Day O'Connor.
B)Bella Abzug.
C)Kate Millet.
D)Geraldine Ferraro.
E)Madeline Albright.
The decision in Roe v. Wade rested largely on
A)the right to equal protection.
B)the right to due process.
C)the right to privacy.
D)the right to the pursuit of happiness.
E)the right for women to obtain abortions.
The term "Vietnamization" referred to the policy of
A)using propaganda to develop public support for the war.
B)training United States troops to understand Vietnamese social customs.
C)shifting the emphasis of the United States military from traditional to guerrilla warfare.
D)shifting the burden of actual combat to the South Vietnamese army.
E)slowing the integration of more troops in Southeast Asia.
The invasion of Cambodia by U.S. and South Vietnamese forces in the spring of 1970
A)resulted in a crushing defeat of the U.S. forces.
B)revived the domestic antiwar movement in the United States and led to large demonstrations.
C)was the last major encounter of the war involving U.S. troops.
D)led to Chinese intervention on the side of the North Vietnamese.
E)resulted in a decisive U.S. victory.
The Paris accords of January 1973 on Vietnam provided for four of the following. Which is the exception?
A)an immediate cease-fire
B)the return of American prisoners of war
C)the Thieu regime to remain in power in South Vietnam
D)North Vietnamese troops to be withdrawn from the southern part of Vietnam
E)an undefined committee that would work out a permanent settlement
Nixon and Kissinger's approach to foreign policy was based on the assumption that the world configuration of power had become
Richard Nixon's approach to China was to
A)isolate the mainland government because of its support for the north in the Vietnam War.
B)open up contact for the first time since 1949 by visiting China and beginning diplomatic relations short of full recognition.
C)pressure the nationalist government of Taiwan to seek reunification with the mainland.
D)try to stir up Soviet-Chinese border conflict so that both nations would be preoccupied with each other and reduce tensions with the United States.
E)give the communist regime formal recognition.
An important effect of America's support for Israel in the Yom Kippur War (1973) was
A)a reduction in unemployment.
B)the strengthening of the dollar in international trade.
C)the cancellation of the wheat deal with the Soviet Union.
D)an Arab embargo on oil exports to the United States.
E)massive protests against the war.
George McGovern, the Democratic candidate for president in 1972, could be most accurately described as
A)the most hawkish of the leading Democrats.
B)a conservative Democrat who often sided with Nixon's policies.
C)a conservative who appealed to the southern wing of the party.
D)a suave politician who took no clear-cut stand on any major controversial issues.
E)an advanced liberal and outspoken critic of the Vietnam War.

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