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Compare and contrast the economy of the northern colonies with that of the southern colonies. What made the two regions develop as they did? How did these economic systems reflect social systems emerging at the same time?
Write an essay in which you describe the diverse population that settled the British colonies in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, and assess its growth during this period.
By violating the Navigation Acts and developing their own trading patterns, were the American colonies creating their own mercantile system? Discuss this question and its implications for future relations between the colonies and England.
What role did religion play in the advance of education in America? In what way did religion also hinder education? After assessing these two relationships, show the extent to which the fruits of education (reading, writing, science, and law) flourished in America; at the same time, show how these helped to form a character that was "American."
What impact did technology have on the development of the British American colonies?

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