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Multiple Choice Quiz
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Three of the following statements express general beliefs of the Progressives. Which is the exception?
A)an optimistic vision that society is capable of improvement
B)a belief that growth and progress should not occur recklessly as they had in the late nineteenth century
C)a conviction that direct, purposeful human intervention in social and economic affairs was needed to order and improve society and play an important role in improving and stabilizing society
D)a dedication to the theory that the natural law of the marketplace and the doctrines of laissez faire and Social Darwinism would help solve societal problems
E)a belief in the transformational power of enlightened public opinion
Ida Tarbell and Lincoln Steffens were most closely associated with
B)the Social Gospel.
C)Social Darwinism.
D)sociological jurisprudence.
E)the Settlement House movement.
One of the most significant examples of the Social Gospel at work was
A)Tammany Hall.
B)the Salvation Army.
C)the Chamber of Commerce.
D)the General Federation of Women's Clubs.
E)the Hull House.
The Social Gospel
A)brought attention to public scandal.
B)became the dominant philosophy in urban reform.
C)was dismissed by serious reformers as irrelevant moralization.
D)was rejected as materialistic by Pope Leo XIII.
E)helped bring to Progressivism a powerful moral component.
Most historians
A)view Progressivism as a movement of the "people" against the special interests.
B)view Progressivism as the efforts of a displaced elite to regain their former status within American society.
C)view Progressivism as the efforts of corporate leaders to protect themselves from competition.
D)cannot agree about the nature of Progressivism.
E)view Progressivism as the belief the environment shapes individual development.
One of the strongest elements of Progressive thought stressed that ignorance, poverty, and even criminality resulted mainly from
A)a person's "fitness" for survival.
B)inherent moral or genetic failings.
C)the workings of divine providence.
D)lack of standardized education.
E)the effects of an undesirable environment.
Jane Addams's Hull House was established for the purpose of
A)treating the insane.
B)rehabilitating drug addicts.
C)aiding the urban poor, especially immigrants.
D)disseminating scientific farming information.
E)educating the urban poor.
Progressive humanitarian efforts emphasized the need for
B)understanding of ethnic differences.
C)scientific expertise.
D)racial cooperation.
Professional organizations were designed to defend their professions from all of the following EXCEPT
A)incompetent practitioners.
B)excessive competition.
C)gender and ethnic discrimination.
D)a denigration of their prestige within American society.
E)entry into the professions.
The professional roles available to women in the early twentieth century were
A)widely expanded by custom and law into virtually every field of work.
B)restricted entirely to the settlement houses and social work.
C)free of the organizational trends characterizing the male professional world.
D)most often those involving "helping" or "domestic" activities associated with traditionally female roles.
E)were quite similar to those available to men.
The women's club movement tended to attract
A)the rural poor.
B)recent immigrants.
C)the urban working classes.
D)the urban middle and upper classes.
E)the rural middle classes.
In general, the women's club movement
A)confined its activities to social and cultural activities.
B)seldom adopted positions on controversial public issues.
C)overtly challenged the prevailing assumptions about the proper role of women in society.
D)mostly consisted of political organizations.
E)played an important role in winning passage of state laws regulating conditions of housing and the workplace.
The advocates of women's suffrage significantly increased their general public support during the Progressive Era when they put increased emphasis on the argument that women's suffrage would
A)lead to full social and economic power for women within a generation.
B)increase political power and office-holding opportunities available to women.
C)bring more women into the industrial work force, thereby countering recession.
D)enhance the likelihood of the successful enactment of other progressive reform causes.
E)lead directly to a prohibition amendment.
During the first two decades of the twentieth century, before the ratification of the Nineteenth Amendment, women gained the right to vote in at least some elections in
A)all the states.
B)only a few states in the Far West.
C)the majority of the states.
D)one of the states.
E)only a few states in the Northeast.
The most important professional opportunity open to educated African-American women in the early years of the twentieth century was
E)"pink collar" work.
The secret ballot was adopted by most states
A)right after the Constitution was ratified.
B)during the rise of "Jacksonian democracy."
C)during the Reconstruction period.
D)during the late nineteenth century.
E)during the Civil War.
During the progressive period, a new form of city government was developed in which the elected city officials hired a professionally trained administrator to run the government. This administrator was usually known as the
A)strong mayor.
B)city manager.
C)municipal commissioner.
D)urban administrative specialist.
E)municipal manager.
Which of the following was NOT a Progressive electoral reform measure?
D)election by district or ward
E)direct primary
Robert M. La Follette was significant in the Progressive period of American history as
A)an investigative reporter.
B)a reform mayor of Cleveland.
C)a reform governor of Wisconsin.
D)a corrupt city boss of New York.
E)an electoral reformer.
Partly in response to Progressive political reforms, the
A)power of party organizations collapsed.
B)turnout of eligible voters increased.
C)influence of special-interest groups increased.
D)influence of party bosses disappeared.
E)influence of special-interest groups decreased.
As a reformer, Theodore Roosevelt
A)rebelled against the leaders of his party.
B)became an advocate of radical change.
C)became an advocate of cautious, moderate change.
D)became an opponent of Progressive reform.
E)pursued his own personal agenda.
The outcome of the government's case against the Northern Securities Company in 1904 was that
A)Theodore Roosevelt gave up the attempt to bust the trusts.
B)this railroad monopoly was ordered to be dissolved.
C)the Sherman Antitrust Act was declared unconstitutional.
D)the Sherman Antitrust Act was ruled inapplicable in this case.
E)the Sherman Antitrust Act was declared constitutional.
The expression "square deal," as used by Theodore Roosevelt, meant that the federal government would
A)combat racial injustice.
B)provide jobs for everyone.
C)be favorable to labor unions.
D)treat all interests impartially.
E)combat impure meat-packing practices.
With respect to government-controlled public lands, Roosevelt generally favored
A)absolute preservation in their natural state.
B)leasing for unrestricted private exploitation.
C)conservation with carefully managed development.
D)outright sale to private developers who could use the land in any way they wished.
E)aggressive development with little regard for conservation.
The central issue in the Pinchot-Ballinger controversy was
A)the national income tax.
B)the tariff.
C)trust busting.
D)the right of labor to bargain collectively.
The New Nationalism of Theodore Roosevelt called for
A)strengthening the regulatory powers of the federal government.
B)returning to the laissez-faire principles of the late nineteenth century.
C)investing the states with the largest responsibility for controlling the trusts and regulating industry.
D)a vigorous program of trust busting to restore free competition and thus obviate the need for government regulation.
E)weakening the regulatory powers of the federal government.
President Taft
A)was able to maintain the support of both the progressive and conservative wings of the Republican Party.
B)actively worked to push lower tariff rates through a reluctant Congress.
C)had difficulty gaining election to the White House, even as Roosevelt's handpicked successor.
D)left office as the most decisively defeated president of the twentieth century.
E)aggressively promoted land conservation.
The New Freedom of Woodrow Wilson called for
A)strengthening regulatory powers of the federal government.
B)returning to laissez-faire principles of the late nineteenth century.
C)investing the states with large responsibility for controlling trusts and regulating industry.
D)actively pushing lower tariff rates through Congress.
E)a vigorous program of trust busting to restore free competition.
In the election of 1912, the Progressive Party was known by the nickname
A)Bull Moose.
D)teddy bear.
E)New Nationalists.
The effect of the Progressive Party's entrance into the presidential election of 1912 was to
A)make no difference whatsoever in the outcome.
B)split the Republican vote and allow the Democrat to win.
C)split the Democratic vote and allow the Republican to win.
D)prevent any of the three parties from gaining a majority in the electoral college.
E)win the presidency.
The Underwood-Simmons tariff, one of the first major pieces of legislation passed in Wilson's administration, was significant in that it
A)was passed over the president's veto.
B)caused a major split in the Democratic Party.
C)substantially lowered the tariff and enacted an income tax.
D)actually raised average rates, although called a reform measure.
E)instructed businesses in advance if their actions were acceptable.
An important feature of the Federal Reserve Act of 1913 was that it
A)made the recurrence of a major depression impossible.
B)provided for a more elastic currency in the form of Federal Reserve notes.
C)required all banks in the nation to become members of the Federal Reserve system.
D)established a central bank in which individuals could safely deposit their savings.
E)launched prosecutions against unfair trade practices.
One of the most important functions of the Federal Trade Commission was to
A)bust trusts.
B)promote American exports.
C)guarantee the rights of labor.
D)regulate businesses and prevent unfair trade practices.
E)strengthen regulatory practices of the government.
In 1916, Congress passed the Keating-Owen Act to regulate child labor. Congress attempted to justify this legislation under its power to
B)promote the general welfare.
C)regulate interstate commerce.
D)protect the health and safety of all citizens.
E)enforce tariffs.

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