Human Geography: Landscapes of Human Activities, 11th Edition (Fellmann)

Career Center

American Association of Geographers – Careers in Geography
This site from the premier professional association for the discipline is a great place to start if you're thinking about majoring in geography, or want to pursue it as a career.
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Louisiana Tech – Careers and Jobs in Geography
A site from Louisiana Tech that contains links to geography career sites.
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GIS Careers
A global database of GIS and geography jobs.
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This is a general job search site. In addition to searching for "geography" in job descriptions, make sure you search for specialty topics you've studied, such as population issues, environmental hazards, etc.
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Careers in Geography
This is a nice site because it lists careers related to geography that might be listed in a job bank. It also highlights the skills that geographers have, which can be useful for building a resume.
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Canadian Association of Geographers
This page from the Canadian Association of Geographers has a selection of job-related links, as well as scholarships and grants.
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GIS Jobs Clearinghouse
There are tons of GIS jobs. Go get 'em.
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Geography Careers
This site from the University of Waterloo shows jobs that their geography graduates have picked up.
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Environmental Jobs and Careers
Environmental fields are good places for geographers to find jobs.
( ) Careers in Geography
A variety of articles and links about getting a job with a geography major. Check out the "Myth-Busters" page while you're there.
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