Biology, Eighth Edition (Raven)

Chapter 11: Sexual Reproduction and Meiosis

Learning Outcomes

Chapter 11
  • Explain why both meiosis and syngamy are necessary for continued sexual reproduction.
  • Differentiate between haploid and diploid in terms of genetic composition and indicate whether associated with somatic or gametic cells.
  • Discuss the three major features that differentiate meiosis and mitosis.
  • Identify the stages of meiosis I and the characteristic events of each stage.
  • Describe the characteristic events of each stage of meiosis II and indicate how these events resemble mitosis.
  • Explain how the homologues are held together during prophase I.
  • Understand the genetic consequences of synaptonemal crossing over.
  • Describe how the spindle-fiber attachment to chromosomes differs between mitosis and meiosis.
  • Understand how and at what stage(s) chromosomes assort independently during meiosis.
  • Understand how sexual reproduction is different from asexual reproduction.
  • Indicate the evolutionary advantages and disadvantages of sexual reproduction and describe the most current explanations for its development.
  • Understand the ultimate genetic and evolutionary consequences of meiosis and sexual reproduction.
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