Traditions and Encounters, 4th Edition (Bentley)


Multiple Choice Quiz

The purpose of the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) was to
A)funnel U.S. economic aid to NATO allies.
B)attract emerging economies into trade alliances with the United States.
C)eliminate barriers to free trade.
D)regulate currency rates.
E)set fair labor standards for the industrialized nations.
Which of the following is not a characteristic of modern global corporations?
A)Global corporations seek out the cheapest labor and raw materials.
B)Global corporations have helped provide more money for social services and welfare programs.
C)Global corporations prefer locations with few, if any, environmental laws.
D)Global corporations favor unrestricted free trade.
E)Global corporations scatter operations all over the world.
Which of the following was not a factor in the Japanese postwar "economic miracle"?
A)Massive aid from the United States enabled Japan to rebuild quickly after the war.
B)Japanese products were not barred from the U.S. market.
C)Restrictions imposed on the Japanese defense spending enabled them channel much of their GNP into economic development.
D)Abundant reserves of oil and gas fueled postwar industrialization.
E)Cheap labor costs and a compliant workforce made Japanese industry very competitive.
Which of the following is not one of Asia's Little Tigers?
A)Hong Kong.
C)South Korea.
All of the following have contributed to the dramatic growth of the Chinese economy since the late 1970s except
A)more efficient long-term economic forecasting by the Communist Party leadership.
B)opening China to foreign investment and foreign technology.
C)opening Chinese domestic markets to foreign imports.
D)vast reserves of cheap labor.
E)All of the answers are correct.
In the 1970s OPEC demonstrated that
A)the only way to defeat Israel was for all Arab states to work together.
B)an alliance in control of a valuable resource could exert control over the global economy.
C)western powers could no longer dominate the Suez Canal.
D)overproduction of petroleum products can cause a slump in global prices.
E)All of the answers are correct.
One objective that the EU, ASEAN, and NAFTA all share in common is a commitment to
A)human rights and environmental regulations.
B)democratic governments.
C)removing political barriers between member states.
D)removing barriers to trade between member states.
E)All of the answers are correct.
Which of the following is not a good example of the Americanization of global culture?
D)Rolex watches
Which of the following statements is not true of modern global consumption?
A)Consumption becomes a means of self-expression as well as a source of personal identity.
B)Modern consumption is shaped by wants and desires rather than by needs or necessities.
C)Global consumption is entirely one way: the tastes of the United States are imposed on the rest of the world.
D)Where products scarcely vary from one another, consumers are encouraged to make purchases based on brand names.
E)Global consumerism threatens local and indigenous cultures.
One significant result of the electronic information age is that
A)English has become the primary language of global communications.
B)social and political isolation has been vastly reduced.
C)politically repressive regimes such as China are trying to control the Internet.
D)the gulf between the technological haves and have-nots has widened.
E)All of the answers are correct.
Between 2005 and 2050 the population is expected to continue growing in all of the following world regions except
D)North America.
E)Latin America.
The author of Silent Spring was
A)Daw Aung San Suu Kyi.
B)Benazir Bhuto.
C)Betty Friedan.
D)Simone de Beauvoir.
E)Rachel Carson.
Global warming refers to
A)natural variations in the global climate over time.
B)the rise in global temperatures caused by atmospheric pollution such as the emissions of cars and factories.
C)the risk of a nuclear war when the planet is politically "hot".
D)the increase in temperature caused by volcanic activity on the ocean floors.
E)None of the answers are correct.
The AIDS epidemic in sub-Saharan Africa means that
A)millions of children have been orphaned.
B)life expectancy is expected to drop from 59 to 45 years.
C)the most productive members of African society have been struck down with the disease.
D)limited resources have been exhausted trying to cope with the epidemic.
E)All of the answers are correct.
Which of the following statements is not true of modern terrorism?
A)Modern terrorists routinely employ violence against civilian targets.
B)Modern terrorists use sophisticated modern weapons and technologies.
C)Modern terrorists are not confined to any one state and operate effectively across borders.
D)Modern terrorists have been largely successful in achieving their political objectives.
E)All of the answers are correct.
The perceived grievances of al-Qaeda against the United States and its allies include all of the following except
A)U.S. support of the Israeli occupation of Palestinian lands.
B)the presence of American troops in the holy land of Saudi Arabia.
C)U.S. failure to support the mujahideen in their war against the Soviet Union.
D)U.S. sanctions against Iraq.
E)All of the answers are correct.
Which of the following would not be a good example of an NGO?
A)Amnesty International.
C)Human Rights Watch.
D)the Red Cross.
E)the United Nations.
The goals of feminism in industrialized nations after WWII include all the following except
A)women's suffrage.
B)equal pay for equal work.
C)access to birth control and abortion.
D)legal equality.
E)All of the answers are correct.
As a result of China's one-child policy,
A)the population of China has stabilized.
B)a significant number of girl babies are missing.
C)women have achieved full gender equity in China.
D)lingering Confucian values have finally been rooted out.
E)All of the answers are correct.
In spite of cultural prejudices against women in Asia, women have emerged as political leaders in all of the following countries except
C)Myanmar (Burma).
E)Sri Lanka.
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