Traditions and Encounters, 4th Edition (Bentley)


Multiple Choice Quiz

The height of Japanese atrocity in China was reached at the rape of
C)Hong Kong.
The Tripartite Pact brought together
A)England, France, and the Soviet Union.
B)China, England, and the United States.
C)Germany, Italy, and Japan.
D)England, the Soviet Union, and the United States.
E)Germany, Italy, and Austria.
Chinese resistance to the Japanese was
A)a well-coordinated guerilla movement.
B)weakened by rivalry between Chinese nationalists and communists.
C)effectively crushed by the brutality of Japanese occupation.
D)armed by the Soviet Union.
E)powerful, overwhelming, and extraordinarily effective.
As evidence of the renewed power and glory of Italy, Mussolini
A)annexed Albania.
B)annexed Libya.
C)invaded Ethiopia.
D)supported militarists in the Spanish Civil War.
E)All of the answers are correct.
In 1938 Germany sent troops into what country and forced its leaders to accept the Anschluss?
A)the Rhineland.
At the Munich Conference, British Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain
A)took a hard line with Hitler, threatening military retaliation for any further aggression.
B)agreed that Hitler could keep lands already taken in exchange for a pledge to end German expansion.
C)agreed that the Treaty of Versailles had been unfair to the Germans and that their former empire should be restored.
D)created the regional Allied defense against Hitler's aggression.
E)made a secret alliance with the Axis powers.
The Russian-German Treaty of Non-Aggression of 1939
A)conceded German control over Eastern Europe.
B)conceded Soviet control over Eastern Europe.
C)freed Hitler to pursue a more aggressive policy in Western Europe.
D)pledged Soviet support to Germany in case of war.
E)brokered critical trade agreements between the two countries.
The German Blitzkrieg referred to
A)an elaborate series of concrete bunkers built on the experiences of World War I.
B)the Nazi plan for a Final Solution to the Jewish question.
C)the living space in the east that was necessary for an expanding Germany.
D)a lightning war.
E)the German representative assembly that voted Hitler into power.
Operation Barbarossa in 1941 was code for
A)the German invasion of France.
B)the German invasion of North Africa.
C)the German invasion of the Soviet Union.
D)the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor.
E)the Allied invasion of Normandy.
All of the following were essential to the Soviet defense against the Nazis except
A)Allied support through the lend-lease program.
B)German overconfidence of a swift victory, which left them trapped far inside Russia when winter came.
C)the rapid relocation of Soviet industry to the east.
D)outrage at the German treatment of Jewish minorities in eastern Europe.
E)the willingness of the Russian people to fight the "Great Patriotic War".
Immediate provocation for the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor was
A)the internment of Japanese citizens living in the United States.
B)an American-led oil embargo against Japan.
C)resentment over the unequal treaties imposed on Japan in the nineteenth century.
D)resentment that Japan has not gotten more of the territorial "spoils" at the Paris peace settlements after World War I.
E)fears of an American attack on the Japanese homeland.
The key to Allied victory in Europe was
A)the success of resistance movements at undermining German authority.
B)the vast personnel and industrial capacity of the United States and Soviet Union.
C)the lack of commitment of Italian forces to the Axis cause.
D)the development of the atomic bomb.
E)the leadership of Harry Truman after the death of Franklin D. Roosevelt.
A key factor in the Allied victory in the Pacific was
A)the island-hopping strategy that positioned U.S. troops within striking range of Japan.
B)massive aerial bombing of key Japanese cities.
C)the development of the atomic bomb.
D)the declaration of war by the Soviet government against Japan.
E)All of the answers are correct.
At the height of their expansion, the Japanese had established either direct or indirect control over all of the following except
A)Dutch East Indies.
The Japanese finally surrendered in 1945
A)in response to the surrender of Germany.
B)after the emperor resigned and a republic was established.
C)after the atomic bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
D)after the American landing at Kyushu.
E)after the Soviet landing at Okinawa.
At the Wannsee Conference in 1942, Nazi leaders decided to
A)invade Poland.
B)invade the Soviet Union.
C)eliminate undesirable minorities in conquered territories in the Soviet Union.
D)deport all European Jews to concentration camps in Poland for extermination.
E)create the SS Einsatzgruppen.
Women in the United States and Britain performed all the following wartime activities except
A)direct combat.
B)industrial work.
C)frontline support.
D)training and transport piloting.
E)ambulance and hospital work.
The highest casualties in World War II were suffered by
A)Britain and the United States.
B)China and the Soviet Union.
C)Germany and Italy.
D)Germany and Japan.
E)Japan and the United States.
As the end of the war approached, Allied leaders agreed that each power would have control over
A)those territories liberated by their own armed forces.
B)lands evenly divided among the three main Allies according to a secret treaty.
C)only those lands illegally seized by the Axis.
D)different sectors of Italy.
E)only the defeated territories in Asia.
The Truman Doctrine pledged that
A)Soviet aggression would be met with American force.
B)the United States would help rebuilt Europe and Japan.
C)the United States would support free people resisting subjugation by insurrection or outside interference.
D)the United States would never again resort to atomic weapons.
E)the United States would participate in the United Nations.
The Marshall Plan was
A)the U.S. plan for the final defeat of Germany through an invasion at Normandy.
B)the code name for the German invasion of the Soviet Union in 1941.
C)the secret United States code during World War II.
D)a U.S. financial plan to rebuild Europe and stop Soviet expansion.
E)the official name for the Final Solution.
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