Traditions and Encounters, 4th Edition (Bentley)


Multiple Choice Quiz

In the investiture contest, the winner was
A)Otto I.
B)Henry IV.
C)Gregory VII.
D)Frederick Barbarossa.
E)Hugh Capet
The Holy Roman Empire was “neither holy, nor Roman, nor an empire” because
A)the emperors were not crowned by the popes.
B)the Byzantine emperors did not acknowledge the Holy Roman Empire.
C)the people who lived there did not practice Christianity.
D)it did not restore imperial unity to Western Europe.
E)All of the answers are correct.
During the high middle ages, the Normans
A)conquered England in 1066.
B)built a tightly centralized state.
C)commissioned a tapestry.
D)took southern Italy and Sicily back from the Muslims.
E)All of the answers are correct.
Which of the following did not contribute to the expansion of arable land in Europe during the high middle ages?
A)population pressure.
B)use of the horseshoe and horse collar.
C)increased cultivation of beans.
D)the shift from horses to oxen.
E)clearing of forests and draining of swamps.
According to Pegolotti,
A)European long-distance trade with China was perfectly safe.
B)local lords always robbed traveling merchants.
C)by using paper money in China, Europeans paid higher prices for their goods.
D)traders should try to bargain for the cheapest guide.
E)None of the answers are correct.
The Hanseatic League was
A)known for its determination to reconquer Spain and wrest it from Muslim control.
B)responsible for curbing the expansion of the Holy Roman Empire.
C)an association of trading cities of northern Europe.
D)a military religious order.
E)None of the answers are correct.
In medieval Europe, the three estates meant
A)England, Scotland, and Ireland.
B)the three royal estates of the Capetian kings.
C)the three social classes.
D)the big three city-states in north Italy.
E)None of the answers are correct.
During the high middle ages the European nobility
A)had their manners softened.
B)practiced the code of chivalry.
C)drew their literary inspiration from Muslim Spain.
D)was one of the three estates.
E)All of the answers are correct.
During the high middle ages, the development of towns and cities “fit awkwardly in the framework of a medieval political order” because
A)their citizens demanded autonomy from local lords.
B)unlike feudal manors, cities were egalitarian societies.
C)unlike the organization of the workforce on feudal manors, women became part of the working class in cities.
D)townspeople included all three estates.
E)None of the answers are correct.
Guilds of European cities and towns could do all of the following except
A)set standards of quality for manufactured goods.
B)administer justice on behalf of the city government.
C)determine the prices at which members had to sell their products.
D)build large halls in the cities.
E)regulate the entry of new workers into their groups.
Curricula of cathedral schools concentrated on
A)liberal arts.
C)law and medicine.
D)the writings of Aquinas.
E)None of the answers are correct.
During the high middle ages, European scholars' rediscovery of Aristotle's work led to
A)the growing dynamism of popular heresies.
B)the development of scholasticism.
C)the rise of the Dominicans and Franciscans.
D)a rejection of the Latin classics.
E)a decline in Christian belief.
The most famous scholastic theologian was
B)St. Francis.
C)St. Thomas Aquinas.
E)St. Dominic.
Christians' devotion to saints was very much like
A)the Bantu people's devotion to the creator god.
B)Buddhists' devotion to Bodhisattvas.
C)Muslims' devotion to Mecca.
D)the Jews' devotion to the Torah.
E)All of the answers are correct.
Which of the following did not belong to the popular heresies of medieval Europe?
E)All of the answers are correct.
The Albigensian crusade was
A)a military campaign against the Muslims.
B)a military expedition against the Cathars.
C)a military venture against the pagan Slavic peoples in the Baltic region.
D)a military coup in Sicily.
E)None of the answers are correct.
Vinland was
A)conquered by the Teutonic Knights.
B)reconquered by European crusaders.
C)colonized by Scandinavian seafarers.
D)continuously occupied until the present day.
E)None of the answers are correct.
The reconquest of Sicily from the Muslims was accomplished by
A)Eric the Red.
B)Roger Guiscard.
C)Robert Guiscard.
D)William the Conqueror.
E)None of the answers are correct.
The term reconquista specifically referred to
A)the reconquest of Spain from the Muslims
B)the reconquest of Sicily from the Muslims.
C)the recapture of Palestine.
D)the colonies in Greenland.
E)the Albigensian crusade.
Which one of the following statements does not describe the crusades?
A)The campaigns showed European military superiority to Muslim armies.
B)One of the crusades conquered Constantinople instead of recapturing Palestine.
C)The crusaders traded eagerly with Muslim merchants in the eastern Mediterranean.
D)The crusaders brought many Muslim ideas back to Europe with them.
E)The crusaders introduced to Europe new agricultural products they learned about from the Muslims.
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