American Democracy Now, 2nd Edition (Harrison)

Chapter 1: People, Politics, and Participation

Chapter Outline

  1. y shd u stdy am dem now? Or, Why Should You Study American Democracy Now?
    1. How Technology Has Changed Politics
    2. The Political Context Now
    3. Civic Engagement: Acting on Your Views
  2. What Government Does
  3. Types of Government
  4. Origins of American Democracy
    1. Democracy's Origins in Popular Protest: The Influence of the Reformation and the Enlightenment
    2. The Modern Political Philosophy of Hobbes and Locke
    3. The Creation of the United States as an Experiment in Representative Democracy
  5. Political Culture and American Values
    1. Liberty
    2. Equality
    3. Capitalism
    4. Consent of the Governed
    5. Individual, Family, and Community
  6. The Changing Face of American Democracy
    1. A Population That Is Growing—and on the Move
    2. An Aging Population
    3. A Changing Complexion: Race and Ethnicity in the United States Today
    4. Changing Households: American Families Today
    5. Why the Changing Population Matters for Politics and Government
  7. Ideology: A Prism for Viewing American Democracy
    1. Liberalism
    2. Conservatism
    3. Other Ideologies on a Traditional Spectrum: Socialism and Libertarianism
    4. Neoconservatism
    5. A Three-Dimensional Political Compass
Harrison:  American Democracy Now, 2nd Edition
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