Glencoe Health ©2011

Chapter 4: Managing Stress and Coping with Loss

Online Quizzes


Which is an effect of positive stress?

A)Sleeping less than 8 or 9 hours a night
B)Not planning ahead
C)Inspiration to work harder on the next test
D)Perceiving something to be dangerous

Which is NOT a stress response?


What is the first reaction in the alarm response?

A)The brain releases a chemical that acts on the pituitary gland.
B)The brain receives a danger signal.
C)The adrenal gland is stimulated.
D)The body's heart rate goes up.

Which is NOT a psychosomatic response?

A)Taking drugs
C)High blood pressure
D)Weakened immune system

What is the first step in learning how to manage stress?

A)Drink more water.
B)Eat comfort foods.
C)Limit your physical activity.
D)Identify what is stressful.

How does thinking positively help with stress?

A)It allows you to control everything in your life.
B)It helps you get better test scores.
C)It helps you use refusal skills to say no.
D)It shifts your perception and the way you react to a stressor.

Which describes the effects of alcohol, tobacco, and drugs used in an attempt to relieve stress?

A)They harm the body and cause more stress.
B)They relax the body to relieve stress.
C)They allow you to redirect your energy and think about other things.
D)Both b. and c.

How does eating a variety of healthful foods and drinking plenty of water affect your body?

A)It helps reduce the effects of stress.
B)It reduces your ability to concentrate.
C)It helps your body to function properly.
D)Both a. and c.

Which is an example of coping?

A)Recovering from a cold
B)Accepting the death of a parent
C)Thinking you'll never succeed
D)Never worrying about the future

Which can help you recover after a traumatic event?

A)Eating comfort foods
B)Reducing your level of physical activity
C)Your friends and family
D)Dwelling on the past
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