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American Family Immigration History Center
Byron Yee: Discovering a Paper Son

Byron Yee is a Chinese American, searching for information about his family's past. Through his discovery, he comes to learn not just about his father but also about other Chinese immigrants to America during the late 1800s. His story appears on the Ellis Island Web site:

Destination Title: American Family Immigration History Center

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Go to the Ellis Island Web site to read about Byron Yee, whose father was a “paper son.” Then answer the following questions.

1.What is a “paper son”?

2.How did the United States treat Chinese immigrants in the late 1800s, according to this account?

3.How is this article an example of expository writing? What did you learn about that you were not aware of before reading this article?

4.How might you go about discovering your family's heritage? What sources could you use?

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