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Language Arts


Listening and speaking are the two main parts of communication. A good communicator can do both well.

To listen effectively, eliminate distractions, determine the type of information you are hearing, identify the main ideas, take notes, note any comments about when you will need the information, ask questions, and review your notes.

To speak effectively, make eye contact with your listener(s), use your voice to emphasize main points, use standard American English in formal settings, pause after important points, use your arms and hands, loosen up, be natural, and speak loudly and clearly.

Formal speech means delivering a prepared report or speech in front of an audience. Following the tips for effective speaking will help you deliver a report that your audience will want to hear.

Informal speech includes conversations and discussions. In these situations, it's important to let everyone have a chance to speak. If something is unclear, ask questions. Try to help your group stick to the topic being discussed.

An interview with an expert can often provide you with the exact information you need. Prepare your questions beforehand, but stay flexible. Follow up any interesting statements with new questions.

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