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Language Arts

Multiple choice Quiz

1.One phrase speakers use to signal an important idea is___________.
"it's a pleasure to be here"
"some might say…"
"you might be wondering…"
"above all…"

2.When taking notes on a speech, you should____________.
stop listening so you can concentrate on your notes
try to write down everything the speaker says
start writing as soon as the speaker starts talking
only write down the most important information

3.When calling, the first thing you should do is__________.
identify yourself
leave a message
ask for the name of the person who answers
give the other person time to get a pencil and paper

4.What's missing from an answering machine message that says only "meet me later"?
the time of the meeting
the place of the meeting
the time and place of the meeting
the time and place of the meeting and the caller's name

5.In an informal discussion, you should_________________.
plan exactly what you want to say
focus on your point of view, not others' perspectives
use a voice that can be heard throughout the room
take turns speaking and listening

6.The first step in preparing for an oral report is___________.

7.When practicing your oral report, you should____________.
read your speech exactly as written
speak more quickly than usual
avoid pauses because your audience might get distracted
use your speech only as notes

8.The pace of a story that you tell should be determined by___________.
your time limit
the rate at which you normally speak
the pace of action in the story
how many distractions your audience has

9.When telling a story, your gestures should___________.
act out every event in the story
be carefully planned
be extremely dramatic
be simple and natural

10.If you use a special voice for a character,_____________.
make your voice extremely high
make your voice extremely low
choose a voice that suits the character
vary the voice for each character often

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