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Practice Quizzes
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Which is not a typical trait of an 18-month-old?
A)He says "no" a lot.
B)He expresses frustration.
C)He wants to make his own choices.
D)He demonstrates an ability to share.
Which is not an advisable way to help a child handle her anger?
A)Have her take deep breaths.
B)Have her punch a pillow or other soft object.
C)Remind her to use words.
D)Show her how to speak in a calm voice.
What is the term for a child's fear of being away from familiar people and places?
A)Stranger anxiety
B)Separation anxiety
C)Night terrors
Why might a child act inappropriately when a new baby comes into the family?
A)The child is receiving too much attention as the "big brother" or "big sister."
B)The child is worried that there will not be enough money to take care of everyone.
C)The child is afraid of losing the parents' love to the new baby.
D)The child sees how small the infant is and fears for the baby's safety.
What is the difference between self-concept and self-esteem?
A)Self-concept is confidence in yourself, and self-esteem is the ability to show that confidence.
B)Self-concept is how you value yourself, and self-esteem is what you think you are like.
C)Self-concept is what you think you are like, and self-esteem is how you value yourself.
D)Self-concept is how you really are, and self-esteem is an image of how you want to be.
At what age does a child usually begin engaging in cooperative play?
A)Three years old
B)Four years old
C)Five years old
D)Two years old
Which is not an example of a childhood social skill?
A)Putting toys away at the end of play time.
B)Saying "Give me my toy back" to another child.
C)Sharing a box of crayons with another child.
D)Asking another child if it is alright to play with one of his toys.
What is the best way to prevent a 14-month-old from forbidden activities?
A)Firmly and calmly tell the child to stop the activity.
B)Distract the child or physically remove him away from the activity.
C)Threaten to take away a beloved toy if the activity continues.
D)Give the child time-out.
Which is not one of the steps to setting limits for children?
A)Acknowledge the child's feelings.
B)Set the limit and explain it.
C)Give alternatives.
D)Remind the child that you will be upset if she behaves inappropriately.
Which feature of clothing is not easy for small children to handle?
C)Elastic waistbands
D)Hook-and-loop fasteners

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