Street Law: A Course in Practical Law

Chapter 16: Juvenile Justice

Student Self-Assessment Quizzes

The first juvenile courts were established because
A)adult courts were too easy on juveniles.
B)society believed that the family had failed juveniles and the juvenile courts would take the place of family.
C)juveniles had not previously been thought capable of committing crimes.
D)retribution for juveniles should be set out in different terms than for adults.
Status offenders are juveniles who
A)commit acts that would not be crimes if committed by adults.
B)commit criminal acts.
C)are abused.
D)are neglected.
Three options to have a juvenile's case heard in adult court include
A)intake, initial hearing, and adjudicatory hearing.
B)accountability, rehabilitation, and community safety.
C)preventative detention, bail, and PINS.
D)juvenile waiver, statutory exclusion, and direct file.
Youth transferred to adult criminal court
A)generally have their cases dismissed.
B)reoffend at lower rates than juveniles in juvenile court.
C)reoffend at the same rates as juveniles in juvenile court.
D)reoffend at higher rates than juveniles in juvenile court.
Which of the following actions is a status offense?
A)curfew violation
B)unauthorized use of a motor vehicle
D)marijuana possession
Juveniles have a right to
A)a trial by jury.
C)a public trial.
D)an attorney.
Intake is the process in which
A)officials decide whether to refer a juvenile to juvenile court.
B)a juvenile is booked into detention.
C)charges are formally filed against a juvenile.
D)a judge decides whether to waive a juvenile into adult court.
Juveniles who serve time for juvenile offenses cannot
A)be held beyond a certain age set by state law, such as 21 or 23 years.
B)attend school.
C)participate in rehabilitation.
D)be required to take anger management courses.
The U.S. Supreme Court has required that states follow _____ procedures regarding appeals from juvenile cases.
A)the adult
Juveniles who are found delinquent
A)will not have their juvenile offenses used against them if they commit crimes as adults.
B)may be able to seal or expunge their records if they remain crime free for a certain period of time.
C)will now have one strike against them under the Three Strikes Law.
D)have lost their right to vote.
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