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Selection Quizzes (English)

1.According to Wolff, how have the Miami Dolphins reacted to global warming?
In August training, they now have one practice at night instead of two during the day.
They have given players extra towels.
They have built a climate-controlled practice bubble.
They have cut back on carbon emissions.

2.Why has the Elfstedentocht been held only once in the past two decades?
The snow has melted.
The canals have not frozen over.
There is too little snow at Wasilla.
The permafrost is melting and dogsleds are in danger of being caught in heavy mud.

3.Which of the following would NOT help minimize global warming?
decreasing the burning of fossil fuels
decreasing fuel efficiency
conserving energy in our daily lives
planting trees

4.According to Wolff, why could motor sports have the quickest impact on public awareness?
Eco-conscious NASCAR drivers could inspire NASCAR fans to go green with their cars and fuel.
NASCAR is a higher profile sport than basketball, baseball, football, or hockey.
NASCAR is a more of an international sport than basketball, baseball, football, or hockey.
NASCAR has more money than the NBA, NFL, or MLB.

5.Who is Bill McKibben?
a sports personality
an Olympian
an ecologist
a writer and activist

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