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Selection Quizzes (English)

1.Why is Greg's father mad at him?
The principal sent a letter informing Greg's father that Greg is failing math class.
Greg decides to leave the house and explore an abandoned tenement building.
Greg has a bad attitude and is often in dark moods.
Greg was suspended from school.

2.What is Greg's father's occupation?
police officer
postal worker

3.Why do the neighborhood thugs think that Lemon Brown has money?
They heard that he was rich.
They heard that he had a "treasure."
They know that he was a former bluesman.
They think he became rich from robbing people.

4.What does Lemon Brown's "treasure" turn out to be?
a battered harmonica and some old newspaper clippings
a small amount of money and a record collection
a picture of his son

5.Where does Lemon Brown claim to be going at the end of the story?
St. Paul
St. Louis

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