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Selection Quizzes (English)

1.What is a kinetoscope?
a modern moviemaking camera
a still photography camera
a movie theater
a moving picture machine

2.Which of the following reasons does Robert D. Sans Souci NOT give for the moviemaking industry moving west?
Cold winters in the East made year-round filming difficult.
Edison tried to control the movie industry by applying for patents.
Edison tried to establish a monopoly on his filmmaking techniques.
Hollywood was a town that accepted "movie people" from the get-go.

3.The town of Hollywood in the 1910s would be best described as _____.

4.Why were soundproof studios built starting in 1927?
The film sets were so loud that they bothered the inhabitants of Hollywood.
After 1927, street sounds often muffled the actors' voices as they tried to shoot studio scenes.
Talkies came into existence around this time.
Adoring fans often lingered around the studio, trying to listen to famous actors rehearse.

5.How many of today's movies are filmed in Hollywood?
most of them
nearly all of them
a small number
about two per year

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