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Selection Quizzes (English)

1.Where does Abuela come from?
New York City
Puerto Rico
Isla Negra

2.Why is Connie embarrassed to be seen with la abuela?
because the narrator thinks la abuela looks ridiculous
because the narrator thinks la abuela is overly religious
because la abuela speaks only Spanish
because la abuela is loud in public places

3.Where does Connie go with her friends on Saturday night?
to church
to a fashion show
to the movies
to a dance

4.What happens to la abuela in the church?
She trips and falls.
She becomes ill.
She gets lost.
She falls asleep.

5.According to la abuela, what is the worst thing you can do to a person?
tell the person a lie
make the person feel worthless
laugh at the person's misfortune
refuse to help the person

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