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Selection Quizzes (English)


Sojourner Truth gave her speech at a convention for

the abolition of slavery.
women's rights.
women's rights and the abolition of slavery.
a new political party and presidential candidate.


According to the author, what does Sojourner Truth think when one man says that “a woman’s place is at home taking care of her children”?

That’s what I’ve been doing all my life.
Nobody ever gave me that opportunity.
Yes, that is certainly a woman’s place.
Women should not be at home at all.


Which of the following best describes the opinion of Truth’s audience on the subject of women’s rights?

The audience supported women’s rights.
The audience opposed women’s rights.
Most had no opinion about the subject.
The audience was of mixed opinions.


What is the central “simple truth” that Sojourner Truth tried to convey in her speech?

Slavery should be abolished immediately.
God made men stronger than women.
Women are more intelligent than men.
Racism and sexism are unacceptable.

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