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Selection Quizzes (English)

1.Why is Tom so unhappy as the story begins?
He doesn't have any friends and feels lonely.
He is very poor and hungry.
He has to whitewash the fence.
His Aunt Polly is sick.

2.What does Ben Rogers pretend to be as he approaches Tom?
a police officer
a steamboat
a train
an elephant

3.Why does Ben want to whitewash the fence?
because Tom makes it look like an enjoyable activity
because he feels sympathy for Tom
because he thinks he'll do a better job than Tom
because he is bored

4.What does Ben offer Tom in exchange for letting him whitewash the fence?
a kite
a marble
a toy steamboat
an apple

5.What "great law of human action" has Tom discovered?
Anyone can be convinced of anything.
The harder something is to attain, the more people will want it.
Watching others do work can be just as satisfying as doing the work oneself.
Everything comes at a price.

6.What does Jose's father say he sees when he stands at the tops of telephone polls?
the entire city
lost opportunities
years of work

7.What expression does Jose's father constantly repeat?
"Life is hard."
"Be the best you can be."
"Tough luck."
"Never give up."

8.What is Arnie's business plan?
He and Jose will work as a team to get twice as much business.
He will find jobs for Jose in exchange for some of the earnings.
He and Jose will go to work for Arnie's father.
He will hire Jose to do his household chores for him.

9.What do the boys do when the old man falls into the swimming pool?
Jose and Arnie take care of the old man and call for help.
Arnie and Jose run away.
Jose runs away; Arnie calls for help and takes care of the old man.
Arnie runs away; Jose calls for help and takes care of the old man.

10.What does Jose realize at the end of the story?
He has done a day's work for nothing.
He is a good person.
Arnie has taken advantage of him.
Mr. Clemens trusts him.

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