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Selection Quizzes (English)

1.Which of the following occurred first in the selection?
Bob struck a match to light his cigar.
The policeman told Bob the restaurant had been torn down.
Bob told the policeman he was waiting for a friend.
Bob pulled out his watch, which read three minutes to ten.

2.The last time Bob and Jimmy were together
they were sitting in a hardware store.
they were as close as brothers.
they were meeting for the first time.
they decided not to keep in touch.

3.Why was Bob sure that Jimmy would show up for the appointment?
Jimmy had always been on time.
He knew that Jimmy lived nearby.
Jimmy was a loyal friend.
Jimmy had sent him a letter saying he would be there.

4.We know from the selection that since they parted twenty years ago
Bob had moved west but had little financial success.
Jimmy had tried moving south, but then he came back to New York.
Jimmy had joined the police force.
Bob had grown two or three inches.

5.What happened at the end of the selection?
A plain clothes policeman arrested Bob.
Jimmy Wells ended up arresting Bob.
Bob got away when he realized he was not talking to Jimmy.
Jimmy came back and identified himself to Bob.

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