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Selection Quizzes (English)

1.What led to the speech given by George Graham Vest?
A dog stole chickens from a neighbor's property, and the neighbor sued the dog's owner.
A dog was killed during a fox hunt, and the dog's owner sued his neighbors.
A dog was killed on a neighbor's property, and the dog's owner sued the landowner.
A dog was killed while guarding its owner's home, and the owner sued to get his money back.

2.A eulogy is
a courtroom speech given to explain a court case
a formal speech given to praise someone who has died.
an oral summary of a pet's good qualities
one side of a debate about death

3.In Vest's speech, he says that the one unselfish friend a man can have is
his neighbor.
his master.
his son.
his dog.

4.Vest claims a dog has all of these qualities EXCEPT
constant love

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