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Selection Quizzes (English)

1.Daedalus was best known in Athens for
his daring son.
the things he made.
his labyrinth.
his connection to the gods.

2.The statement "The gods always punish such a man" is an example of
a flashback.
an inference.
a metaphor.

3.Why is Daedalus sent away from Athens?
He is too full of pride.
The gods love him too much.
The king of Athens is jealous of him.
He caused the death of his nephew.

4.For what purpose does the king of Crete want Daedalus to build a labyrinth?
to entertain the children of Crete
to use as a prison for the Minotaur
to rival the labyrinth in Athens
to hide his kingdom's wealth

5.Why does Icarus fall into the sea?
He flies too close to the sun, and his wax wings melt.
He leans too far out of the tower window.
The feathers of his wings come unsewn.
He flies near the Minotaur, who pushes him into the water.

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