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Selection Quizzes (English)

1.From what talent or skill did literature keep Theodora from pursuing?
teaching young children
making bows and trimming hats

2.What was Theodora's aim in writing?
to stir the depths of human nature
to make her readers laugh
to make as much money as Kathleen Kyd
to learn about herself as a person

3.Who wrote the story that appears in the Home Circle?
Kathleen Kyd
her father, Dr. Dace
Miss Sophy Brill
Uncle James

4.What does the narrator refer a young man to in the Home Circle office?
a hateful creature
a zoological specimen
a stuffy word surgeon
a dastardly typographer

5.Why did Theodora's father understand her feelings?
He was a very good doctor.
He had spoken to the editors at the Home Circle.
He understood his daughter very well.
He also had a novel rejected.

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