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Selection Quizzes (English)

1.What was the historical significance of the Union Buildings in Pretoria?
They sat on the site of Mandela's home village.
They were built especially for Mandela's inauguration.
They had once been the seat of the white supremacy government.
They were the ancient seat of government of Mandela's ancestors.

2.What does Mandela consider the greatest wealth of South Africa?
the diamonds and gems that lie underground
its powerful military forces
the people of the country
the formation of the African National Congress

3.Who payed a great price because of Mandela's ties to the the African National Congress and its struggle?
his family
his comrades
the children of his home village

4.How does Mandela describe someone who has taken away another person's freedom?
a slave to all things right and proper
a person who is locked behind the bars of prejudice and narrow-mindedness
a person who has yet to take a spiritual journey
a child on the journey of life

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