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Selection Quizzes (English)

1.In his study of the monk, what did Davidson discover about happiness?
Happiness is a physical state of the brain.
Happiness is a vague feeling.
Only people who meditate can achieve true happiness.
Electrodes attached to the skull can trigger happiness.

2.Until Richard Davidson's research, why did scientists know much more about depression than happiness?
Scientists were never interested in studying happiness.
Depression had been studied much more intensively than happiness.
Scientists did not know how to study happiness.
Depression was much more interesting to study than happiness.

3.What part of the body is the major center of happiness?
the skull
the brain stem
the left prefrontal cortex of the brain

4.What chemical or substance do scientists think is a significant contributer to happiness?
vitamin C

5.What did Robert Emmons find out about people who kept journals that described positive aspects of their lives?
They were physically and emotionally healthier than people who did not keep journals.
There was no correlation between happiness and keeping a journal.
They were significantly sicker than those who didn not keep journals were.
They had greater mood swings than the people who did not keep journals.

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