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Selection Quizzes (English)

1.Where did the Pilgrims originally plan to settle?
near the coast of Italy
on the south side of Cape Cod
somewhere around "Hudson's River"
near the first Native American village they encountered

2.Why did the Pilgrims initially not seek help from "these savage barbarians"?
They had no way of finding or communicating with Native Americans.
They believed that the Indians would most likely kill them.
It was forbidden to seek help according to Scripture.
They did not think that they needed assistance.

3.What role did Mr. William Brewster and Myles Standish play in the Pilgrim's first winter on Cape Cod?
They acted as the official police during the winter.
They attempted to sail back across the ocean for help.
They led a party to meet with the Native Americans.
They were two of the seven healthy people who took care of the others.

4.What was the turning point that allowed the Pilgrims to survive?
meeting the Indian Samoset
meeting the wise Seneca
learning how to plant corn
making a peace arrangement with the Indians

5.What were the main sources of food for the Pilgrims?
corn, pork, and rice
fish, vegtables, and pork
beef, pork, fish
fish, fowl, and venison

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