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Selection Quick Checks (English)

1.The author's real father was
A.a fisherman.
B.a ship commander in the U.S. Navy.
C.a fighter pilot in the U.S. Navy.
D.part of the U.S. army.

2.All of the following describe the author's third father EXCEPT
A.He was attentive to his daughters.
B.He looked like he could be a movie star.
C.He had thick, wavy hair.
D.He was very good at water sports.

3.When the author's mother asked John to hire him as a deck hand, how did John respond?
A.He said he had enough people working for him.
B.He said he needed someone with brains and muscle.
C.He said he didn't want the boy working around the other men.
D.He said he did not want his own son to work for him.

4.Once the boy was able to get the ice out of the bucket, what other problem did he have?
A.The ice burned his hands as he carried it from the jeep to the pier.
B.The ice was too heavy for him to carry.
C.The ice was melting as he walked along, since he walked so slowly.
D.The ice kept slipping out of his hands.

5.What was one lesson the author learned from his experience working with John?
A.It is better to work in silence.
B.Try not to work with family members.
C.It's not worth trying to win everyone's approval.
D.If you don't like what you're doing, then don't do it.

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