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Selection Quizzes (English)

1.Madam C. J. Walker was the first American woman to
sell makeup to African Americans.
earn a million dollars.
inherit a fortune from her husband.
set up a beauty school for women.

2.What was the effect of Jim Crow laws in the South?
Blacks were allowed to work and go to church with whites.
Groups such as the Ku Klux Klan lost all their power.
Former plantation workers were able to buy their own property.
Blacks were separated from whites in nearly every area of life.

3.How did Madam Walker say she came up with the formula for her Hair Grower product?
A man told her what to mix in a dream.
She thought of it while doing laundry.
She and her daughter mixed it in the kitchen.
It was a remedy for growing hair from slavery times.

4.In addition to black newspapers, what outlets did Madam Walker use to let people know about her products?
white department stores and pharmacies
black churches and black women's clubs
black-owned laundromats
black sharecroppers

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