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Selection Quizzes (English)

1.What was Friedl Dicker-Brandeis determined to do when whe was sent to the Terezin camp?
smuggle valuable artworks into the camp
learn the art of embroidering
teach art to the children of the camp
escape by pretending to be an artist

2.Why was one of the students posted outside the door when a tutor was teaching a class?
to give a warning signal if a guard came by
to prevent adults from joining the classes
to guard against theft of textbooks and supplies
to watch for Friedl, the children's favorite teacher

3.Why did children age fourteen and older have to study at night or early in the morning?
They were busy painting pictures during the day.
They had to work all day.
The Nazis disapproved of daytime school.
The classrooms were too crowded.

4.What did Friedl's lessons give the children besides a chance to make art?
a mental escape from the hardships of the camp
instruction in sewing, embroidery, and history
a time to visit sick children in the hospital
the freedom to talk freely with their guards

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