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Selection Quizzes (English)

1.Why does the speaker of the poem say she flew to the moon?
She wanted to be an astronaut.
She was mad at her mother.
She wanted to avoid her homework.
She had an argument with a friend.

2.What does the speaker of the poem see her mother doing down below?
spinning silver thread
cleaning the house
making dinner
looking for her daughter

3.Why does the mother in the poem send up a silver thread to the moon?
so the daughter can slide down
to tie the daughter to the moon
to lasso the daughter
to tickle the daughter

4.What is the poem saying about mothers and daughters?
They should spend all of their time together.
They may get angry, but they still have a bond of love.
They can work out their differences if one stays at a distance.
They can have arguments that are never resolved.

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