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Selection Quizzes (English)

1.Why are tourists not currently allowed into the Chauvet cave in France?
The French want to protect the artwork from damage.
Jean-Marie Chauvet, who discovered the cave, lives there.
The entry tunnel has been blocked by a landslide.
The cave paintings have no historical value.

2.How can people learn about the Lascaux caves in France, even though they cannot enter the caves?
They can visit the Chauvet cave, which is identical.
They can tour a carefully created replica.
They can visit caves in Australia that are just like Lascaux.
They can take a helicopter ride over the cave and see inside it.

3.Which of these things that can damage rock art is NOT a part of nature?
chemical seepage

4.Early peoples of Europe were different from those of Australia in regard to cave art because the Europeans
painted only large mammals and fish.
often abandoned the caves after decorating them.
destroyed the art after creating it.
threw water on the art to enhance its colors.

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