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Selection Quizzes (English)

1.What did the Snack Squad discover about the price of hot dogs, soda, and peanuts at ballparks?
The price was between three and seven times more than the price at a food store.
Prices at the ballpark and at the food store were almost the same. 
The price at the ballpark is twice as much as the price at a food store.

2.What discovery did the Snack Squad make about what is included in the $2.50 paid for the hot dog at a ballpark?
Most of the money goes to the wages of the vendors.
50 cents goes to the concession company as profit.
25 cents goes to the concession company for the hot dog and the fixings.
The biggest part of the $2.50 goes to the team and the owners of the stadium.

3.From looking at the food price scorecard, you can see that
you can buy 5 cooked hot dogs without buns for the same price as one cooked ballpark hot dog and bun.
you can get more than 4 times the amount of peanuts at the food store at the ballpark price.
you get twice the amount of soda at the food store for the ballpark price.
peanuts are the only item that costs almost the same as at the food store.

4.What happened when testers tried to bring food into the ballpark?
Any food they had was taken away.
They were asked to open their bags and only juice boxes were taken away.
They didn't have any food taken away.
At the turnstiles, the workers asked if people had food and, if not, let them go.

5.Which ads did one of the Snack Squad kids think were the sneakiest?
the ones that were on scorecards
the ones that appeared on the big screen TV after replays
the ones that advertised the baseball players eating the food
the ones that were on the backs of the seats

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