Glencoe Earth Science

Chapter 2: Matter

Calculating Density

A calculator measures 10 cm x 5 cm x 1 cm. It has a mass of 220 g. Find the density of the calculator.
A)2.2 g/cm3
B)4.4 g/cm3
C)4 g/cm3
D)5.2 g/cm3
A book measures 20 cm x 45 cm x 4 cm. It has a mass of 850 g. Find the density of the book.
A)0.24 g/cm3
B)0.55 g/cm3
C)0.6 g/cm3
D)0.88 g/cm3
A box measures 15 cm x 5 cm x 2 cm. It has a mass of 15 g. Find the average density of the box.
A)0.6 g/cm3
B)0.5 g/cm3
C)0.1 g/cm3
D)1.2 g/cm3
A cube-shaped candle measures 4.5 cm x 4.5 cm x 4.5 cm. It has a mass of 75 g. Find the density of the candle.
A)0.88 g/cm3
B)0.82 g/cm3
C)0.76 g/cm3
D)0.9 g/cm3
An aquarium measures 125 cm x 75 cm x 50 cm. It has a mass of 120,000 g. Find the average density of the aquarium.
A)0.22 g/cm3
B)0.35 g/cm3
C)0.4 g/cm3
D)0.26 g/cm3
A box of paper clips measures 3 cm x 9 cm x 6 cm. It has a mass of 10 g. Find the average density of the box of paper clips.
A)0.06 g/cm3
B)0.02 g/cm3
C)0.12 g/cm3
D)0.22 g/cm3
A postal shipping box measures 40 cm x 60 cm x 10 cm. It has a mass of 25 g. Find the average density of the postal shipping box.
A)0.005 g/cm3
B)0.003 g/cm3
C)0.001 g/cm3
D)0.05 g/cm3
A box of laundry soap measures 25 cm x 25 cm x 10 cm. It has a mass of 480 g. Find the density of the laundry soap box.
A)0.088 g/cm3
B)0.072 g/cm3
C)0.07 g/cm3
D)0.077 g/cm3
A rice box measures 10 cm x 8 cm x 4 cm. It has a mass of 60 g. Find the density of the rice box.
A)0.188 g/cm3
B)0.195 g/cm3
C)0.12 g/cm3
D)0.12 g/cm3
A box of crackers measures 20 cm x 25 cm x 5 cm. It has a mass of 100 g. Find the average density of the box of crackers.
A)0.5 g/cm3
B)0.04 g/cm3
C)0.02 g/cm3
D)0.12 g/cm3
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