Chemistry: Matter and Change

Chapter 7: Ionic Compounds and Metals

Chapter Test Practice

What is the electron configuration of the sodium atom after it loses an electron?

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A)1s2 2s2 2p6
B)[He]2s2 2p5
C)1s2 2s2 2p 3s1
D)1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2
Explain why the zinc 2+ ion has some stability.

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A)The zinc ion has achieved a noble gas configuration.
B)The zinc ion has full s, p, and d sublevels to form a pseudo-noble gas configuration.
C)The zinc ion is a transition metal.
D)The zinc ion has bonded with two free electrons.
Ionic crystals have high melting points and high boiling points because ________.

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A)ionic bonds are relatively weak
B)ionic solids are excellent conductors of electricity
C)ionic bonds are relatively strong
D)ionic liquids do not conduct electricity.
In the ionic solid sodium chloride (NaCl), there is a _________ ratio of sodium ions to chlorine ions.

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A)one to two
B)two to one
C)one to one
D)one and a half to one
What is the ionic ratio of aluminum to oxygen in the ionic compound aluminum oxide?
A)three to one
B)one to two
C)three to two
D)one to three
Name the pair that contains an incorrect formula.
A)aluminum phosphate AlPO4
B)iron(II) sulfite FeSO3
C)silver carbonate AgCO3
D)magnesium hydroxide Mg(OH)2
Which of the following descriptions of the two ions pictured is correct?

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A)ammonium: polyatomic anion; phosphate: polyatomic cation
B)ammonium: polyatomic cation; phosphate: polyatomic anion
C)ammonium: monatomic cation; phosphate: monatomic anion
D)ammonium: monatomic anion; phosphate: monatomic cation
What is the proper name for the ionic compound shown above?

A)Iron sulfite
B)Iron (III) sulfate
C)Iron (II) sulfate
D)Iron (III) Sulfite
Which of the following metallic properties is best explained by the "sea of electrons" model of metals?

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B)electrical conductivity
C)atomic mass
D)ionic charge
Sterling silver is known as a substitutional alloy because ________.

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A)copper atoms replace some of the silver atoms in the metallic crystal.
B)smaller copper atoms fill in holes in the silver metallic crystal
C)copper is less dense than silver
D)copper is less expensive than silver
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