Chemistry: Matter and Change

Chapter 24: Nuclear Chemistry

Standardized Test Practice

What are isotopes of atoms with unstable nuclei called?
D)radioactive decay
Which particle emitted during radioactive decay is indistinguishable from an electron?
A)alpha particle
B)beta particle
C)gamma particle
D)delta particle
Alpha particles have low penetrating power because of their ________.

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A)high mass and positive charge
B)low mass and positive charge
C)low mass and negative charge
D)high mass and negative charge
Gamma rays are very penetrating because of their ________.
A)high energy and positive charge
B)high energy and zero charge
C)high energy and negative charge
D)low energy and zero charge
What conditions in the nucleus usually result in beta decay?
A)The nucleus has too many neutrons.
B)The nucleus has too many protons.
C)The valence electrons are lost.
D)The atomic mass is greater than 300 amu.
What happens to the mass of an atom when it undergoes alpha decay?
A)There is no change in mass.
B)The mass decreases by 1.
C)The mass increases by 4.
D)The mass decreases by 4.
A series of nuclear reactions that begins with an unstable nucleus and results in the formation of a stable nucleus is _______________.
A)a radioactive decay series
B)an isotope series
C)a band of stability
D)the Balmer series
If the half-life of Th-234 is 14 billion years, about how much would you expect to have if 50 grams began decaying 4.5 billion years ago?

N = N0(1/2)t/T
A)10 grams
B)60 grams
C)90 grams
D)40 grams
To hold the nucleons together in the nucleus, energy is required. What is the name of this energy?
A)binding energy
B)kinetic energy
C)thermal energy
D)free energy
The energy produced by the Sun is a result of ___________.
A)nuclear fission
B)alpha emission
C)nuclear fusion
D)radiocarbon dating
What is the major problem associated with the development of fusion as a controlled energy source?
A)The containment of the radioactive decay products.
B)The low energy yield of the fuel.
C)The containment of the extremely high-temperature plasma.
D)The resulting air pollution.
When an alpha particle collides with an N-14 atom, the result is O-17 and H-1. What is the name given to this reaction?

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A)induced transmutation
B)induced translocation
C)induced transportation
D)induced transistoration
Radiation that is energetic enough to ionize matter is called ionizing radiation. Which of the following devices could be used to detect ionizing radiation?
A)film badge
B)scintillation counter
C)Geiger counter
D)all of the above
High-energy ionizing radiation is dangerous because __________.

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A)it can be transmitted from person to person.
B)it can prevent metabolism
C)it can fragment and ionize molecules within biological tissue
D)it can be stored within the body for long periods of time.
In a PET procedure a radiotracer decays by ________ emission.
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